WSD Annual Report 2022/23

An education video titled “Using Lead-free Soldering Materials for Safe Drinking Water” was also developed in February 2023 to raise public awareness on the importance of lead-free soldering material. 二零二三年二月,題為《焊接物料用無鉛 食水飲用先安全》 的教育影片完成製作,旨在加強市民對無鉛焊接物料重要性的 認識。 法例檢討 檢討法例以提升食水安全 我們已完成對《水務設施條例》(第 102 章)和《水務設施規例》 (第 102A 章)的全面檢討,並已分析法例修訂建議的公眾諮詢 結果。我們將會就修訂《水務設施條例》和《水務設施規例》 的多個範疇展開法律草擬工作。其中包括水管工程的規管、水 喉物料的管制、及保障用戶水龍頭供應的食水安全。 Legislative Review Legislative Review for Enhancing Drinking Water Safety We have completed the holistic review of the Waterworks Ordinance (Cap.102) and Waterworks Regulations (Cap.102A), as well as analysis of the results of the public consultation on the proposed legislative amendments. We will proceed with the law drafting work for amending various aspects of the Waterworks Ordinance and Waterworks Regulations. These include the regulation of plumbing works, control of plumbing materials, and safeguarding drinking water safety at consumers’ taps. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 49 Scale up 升 級 開 拓