WSD Annual Report 2022/23

加強措施防止「劏房」 租戶被濫收水費 Stepping up Actions to Protect Tenants of Subdivided Units from being Overcharged for Water 專 題 故 事 FEATURE STORY 有關「禁止出售用水」的《2021 年水務設施(水務設施規例)(修訂)條例》 實施後,據部分租戶及機構反映,分間單位(俗稱「劏房」)業主濫收水 費的情況仍然存在。為進一步防止「劏房」租戶被業主濫收水費,水務署 加強措施多管齊下打擊此類違法行為,採取措施包括: Upon the enactment of the Waterworks (Waterworks Regulations) (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 in respect of prohibition of sale of water, there are still cases of water overcharging by subdivided units (SDU) landlords as reflected by some tenants and organisations. With a view to enhancing the deterrent effect to protect SDU tenants from being overcharged for water by the landlords, the WSD has stepped up actions and adopted multi-pronged measures to combat such illegal acts. These measures include the following: B A C A B C With individual water bills, No more trouble splitting bill 有獨立水費單, 唔使煩唔使計! 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline 3468 4963 5665 5517 電郵 Email 安裝獨立水錶計劃 Scheme for Installation of Separate Water Meters Subdivided Units 分間單位(俗稱「劏房」) 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 50 Scale up 升 級 開 拓