WSD Annual Report 2022/23

加強巡查和檢控工作 為加強處理懷疑違例個案時的成效,水務署與差餉物業估價署 (估價署)合作進行巡查及採取聯合行動,共同處理投訴個案, 增加向業主索取其繳付/ 收取水費的相關資料時的協同效應。 二零二二年七月下旬至二零二三年三月底期間,水務署及估價 署已聯合巡查/ 造訪3 830個「劏房」租戶。此外,經修訂《水 務設施規例》第47 條自二零二一年五月實施後至二零二三年 三月,水務署共收到78宗有關「劏房」租戶被濫收水費的投訴, 其中7 宗已成功檢控及定罪。然而,由於投訴人不願作證及水 務署欠缺搜証的法定權力,大部分投訴個案均無法展開進一步 調查或作出檢控。 推動修訂法例 為提升執法成效及效率,以打擊「劏房」租戶被濫收水費的情 況,水務署正計劃就《水務設施條例》/《水務設施規例》提 出修訂建議,並於二零二三年第四季將修訂條例草案提交立法 會。初步修訂建議內容如下: • 賦予水務監督可要求相關人士(例如業主和其代理人等)提 交相關資料(例如收據、水費繳款單等)的權力, • 提高濫收水費的罰則, • 要求收取水費付還後須發出收據及保存收據副本,以及 • 水務署和估價署就其各自巡查和調查中所獲取有關濫收水費 個案的資料進行交換。 Strengthening Inspection and Prosecution To enhance effectiveness in tackling suspected offence cases, the WSD has collaborated with the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) to conduct inspections and take joint operations to handle complaints for achieving synergy in soliciting relevant information from the landlords in respect of their payments/ collections of reimbursements for water charges. For the period from late July 2022 to end March 2023, inspections/visits to about 3 830 SDU households were jointly conducted by the WSD and the RVD. Moreover, since the enactment of amended regulation 47 of the Waterworks Regulations from May 2021 to March 2023, a total of 78 complaints were received about overcharging SDU tenants for water and of which 7 cases were successfully brought to prosecutions and convictions. However, with the complainants’ reluctance to serve as witnesses and lacking the statutory power to obtain information, most of the complaint cases could not be pursued for further investigation nor prosecution. Pressing ahead with Legislative Amendments To improve effectiveness and efficiency in law enforcement to combat overcharging SDU tenants for water, the WSD is planning to propose legislative amendments of the Waterworks Ordinance/ Waterworks Regulation and submit the amendment bill to the Legislative Council in the fourth quarter of 2023. Preliminary proposed amendments are as follows: • Empowering the Water Authority to request the relevant person (e.g. landlord and their agent, etc.) to provide relevant information (e.g. receipt, water bill, etc.) • Increasing the penalty for overcharging for water, • Issuing and keeping a copy of the receipt after receiving reimbursement of the water charge, and • Enabling the WSD and the RVD to exchange information obtained from their own inspections and investigations related to water overcharging cases. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 51 Scale up 升 級 開 拓