WSD Annual Report 2022/23

改善安裝獨立水錶的申請程序 安裝獨立水錶是避免業主向租戶收回水費時發生爭議的有效方 法。有見及此,水務署推出《分間單位安裝獨立水錶計劃》(該 計劃)為「劏房」安裝獨立水錶,相關申請程序經已簡化。根 據該計劃,業主可為「劏房」申請安裝獨立水錶,「劏房」租 戶亦可直接向水務署提出要求,以便水務署主動聯絡業主跟進 安裝事宜。每個獨立水錶賬戶會獲發獨立水費單供繳交水費, 而「劏房」租戶將獲每四個月首12 立方米的免費用水量。為鼓 勵更多「劏房」業主參與該計劃,二零二三至二四年度財政預 算案將會提出豁免每個成功安裝的分間單位獨立水錶的水費按 金(400 元)及提供水錶費用(120 元)。 另外,水務署亦與社會服務機構及水喉業協會合辦了一個義工 服務計劃,為有需要的「劏房」租戶提供技術意見及免費安裝 水務署的水錶。自二零二一年六月推出該計劃至二零二三年三 月底,共收到105 份申請,其中42 份獲批,涉及129 個水錶, 而當中113 個已獲安裝,餘下的申請仍在處理中。 Enhancing Application Procedures for Separate Water Meters To avoid disputes between tenants and landlords arising from water charges, the most effective measure is to install separate water meters and the WSD has therefore implemented the “Scheme for Installation of Separate Water Meters for Subdivided Units” (the Scheme) with streamlined application procedures for installing separate water meters in SDUs. Under the Scheme, while SDU landlords can apply for the installation of separate water meters for their SDUs, SDU tenants can also make a request directly to the WSD which will then liaise with the respective SDU landlord with a view to facilitating installation. Every such water meter account will have a separate water bill for paying water charge, and the SDU tenants can enjoy the first 12 cubic metres of water consumed for each four-month period free of charge. To encourage landlords' participation in the Scheme, the 2023-24 Budget has proposed to waive the payment of the water fee deposit (HK$400) and the charge for providing a WSD’s water meter (HK$120) under the Scheme. In addition, the WSD has collaborated with social service organisations and plumbing trades on a volunteer service programme offering technical advices and free installation of WSD’s water meters to those SDU tenants in need. Since the launch of the Scheme from June 2021 to end March 2023, 105 applications were received and 42 of them were approved involving 129 water meters with 113 of them were installed with remaining applications being processed. 安裝水務署水錶前 Before Installation of WSD's Water Meters 安裝水務署水錶之後 After Installation of WSD's Water Meters 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 52 Scale up 升 級 開 拓