WSD Annual Report 2022/23

加強宣傳和教育 為推廣於「劏房」安裝水務署的獨立水錶及打擊向「劏房」租 戶濫收水費的行為,水務署亦透過一系列活動加強宣傳和教育 工作,包括約見地產代理組織,主動巡查懷疑違規的分間單位, 派發單張和海報予租戶,以及在多媒體渠道包括電視、電台和 水務署網站等發放資訊。 水務署亦新增電話專線3468 4963 及WhatsApp 專線5665 5517,處理與「劏房」安裝獨立水錶有關的問題。此外,水務 署鼓勵市民致電熱線2824 5000,就不良業主向「劏房」租戶 濫收水費作出舉報,以便署方跟進及調查。 Increasing Publicity and Education To promote installation of separate WSD’s water meters in SDUs and to combat water overcharges to SDU tenants, the WSD has also strengthened publicity and promotion work through a series of activities. These include meeting with estate agency organisations, conducting proactive patrols in suspected SDUs, distributing leaflets and posters to tenants, and disseminating relevant information via multimedia channels including TV, radio and department website. A dedicated hotline 3468 4963 and a WhatsApp hotline 5665 5517 have also been set up to handle matters related to installation of separate water meters for SDUs. In addition, the WSD has encouraged the public to report unscrupulous landlords at the WSD hotline 2824 5000 for overcharging SDU tenants to enable follow-up action and investigation. 分間單位業主鐘先生 Mr CHUNG, an SDU landlord 居於深水埗的「劏房」租戶嚴小姐 Miss YIM, an SDU tenant in Sham Shui Po 自安裝水務署的獨立水錶後,水費支出減少,從前一個月需繳 交80 多元水費,現在一季才交80 多元。另外,「劏房」租戶 可享有12 立方米的免費用水津貼,即約50 元,為我減輕許多 生活支出的負擔。 After installing WSD’s separate water meters, my water expenses have been reduced from more than HK$80 a month to around HK$80 a quarter. Besides, SDU tenants are provided with a free supply of 12 cubic meters of water (about HK$50), this has really relieved my burden on living expenses. 作為分間單位業主,我歡迎水務署推出安裝獨立水錶的計劃,由遞交申請至成功獲批, 只需約10 個工作天,過程相當暢順。計劃為我節省了為租戶抄錶和計算水費的時間, 更重要的是,亦令我免於誤墮法網。 As the SDU landlord, I welcome the Scheme of Separate Water Meters launched by the Water Supplies Department. From handing in the application for the separate water meters to receiving their approval, it only took about 10 working days and the process went through smoothly. The Scheme has saved my time and hassle in meter reading and doing calculation for splitting the water bills among the SDU tenants, and more importantly, prevented me from breaking the law inadvertently. 註:受惠人士的引言摘錄自發展局局長隨筆: Note: beneficiaries’ quotes are taken from the Blog of Development Bureau: 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 53 Scale up 升 級 開 拓