WSD Annual Report 2022/23

點滴話你知 Did you know? 經修訂後的《水務設施規例》第47 條規定,註冊用戶(通常為業主)就供水方面只可向其處所 的佔用人(通常為租戶)收回繳交給水務署的水費。若業主向其租戶收取的費用超過此金額, 即屬違法。違規者一經定罪,最高處罰款港幣一萬元。二零二二年六月,一名業主向劏房租戶 濫收水費,在九龍城裁判法院被定罪及罰款五千元,是首宗被定罪的同類個案。 According to the amended Regulation 47 of the Waterworks Regulations, the registered consumer (usually the landlord) is only allowed to recover from the occupants of the premises (usually the tenants) the water charge paid to the WSD. If the amount recovered exceeds the water charge paid to the WSD, the registered consumer shall be guilty of an offence and be liable to a maximum fine of HK$10,000. June 2022 marked the first successful convicted case — a landlord was convicted of overcharging his SDU tenant for water at Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts and was fined HK$5,000. 供水可靠性 資產管理 水務設施資產管理 為優化水務設施的表現,同時降低運作成本及減少故障風險, 我們致力在水務設施的維修保養及管理上達致世界級水平。 我們已實施符合 ISO 55001 的資產管理系統來管理所有水務資產。 此系統採用「生命周期」方式來籌劃、設計、發展、建造、運作、 維修保養、更新以至棄置所有資產,讓我們作出適當的決策,以 應對未來的挑戰,確保符合可持續發展,並提高運作可靠性和效 率。此外,系統亦讓我們能夠管理故障風險,同時保持優質的服 務水平,並根據風險分析調配資源和釐定行事的優次。 WATER RELIABILITY Asset Management Waterworks Asset Management To optimise the performance of our waterworks while minimising operating costs and failure risks, we strive to attain the world-class quality for waterworks maintenance and management. We have implemented the ISO 55001-compliant Asset Management System to manage all of our waterworks assets. This system uses a “life-cycle” approach that encompasses planning, design, development, construction, operation, maintenance, renewal and disposal of all assets, allowing us to make appropriate decisions to meet future challenges, ensure sustainability and improve our operational reliability and efficiency. In addition, it allows us to manage risks of failure whilst maintaining a high level of service, and to allocate resources and priorities for the various kinds of work required according to risk analysis. 我們為水塘、濾水廠、抽水站、配水庫和斜坡等水務設施建立的資產 管理系統,已獲得ISO 55001 認證。我們計劃在未來將認證範圍擴展 到其餘的水務資產。 Following the achievement of the ISO 55001 certification for our asset management system for impounding reservoirs, water treatment works, pumping stations, service reservoirs and slopes, we aim to extend the certification scope to the remaining waterworks assets in future. 業主向其租戶收取額外水費,即屬違法。 The registered consumer shall be guilty if they over charge tenants. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 54 Scale up 升 級 開 拓