WSD Annual Report 2022/23

Optimised Procedure for Enhanced Efficiency and Safety • To minimise the time and risks of underwater works, a new installation procedure was adopted by enlarging the size of the anchor cage to allow for random deployment of concrete blocks via a funnel duct. Compared with traditional procedure where divers deploy concrete blocks underwater, this optimised approach has saved a total of 32.5-hour time of underwater works, enhancing both work efficiency and site safety Integration with the Surrounding Environment • The Tai Lam Chung Reservoir is commonly known as "Thousand Island Lake" flanked by picturesque and lush green rolling hills. To integrate with the surrounding nature, the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir FPV system has adopted a circular design to be incorporated as one of these thousand islands creating a harmonious and symbiotic environment. 優化程序提升效能及安全 • 為縮短水底作業的時間及減低風險,我們採用了新的安裝流 程,加大錨籠的體積,以便可隨時透過漏斗型管道放置水泥 磚。新方法較由潛水員在水底放置水泥磚的傳統方法合共可節 省32.5 小時的水底工程時間,工作效能及工地安全均得到改 善。 與周邊環境融為一體 • 大欖涌水塘青山環繞,素有「千島湖」的美譽。安裝在大欖涌 水塘的浮動太陽能發電系統採用圓形設計,仿似其中一座島 嶼,與周邊自然環境融為一體,和諧共生。 點滴話你知 Did you know? 各個浮動太陽能發電系統先導計劃每年能產生約12 萬度電(約等於36 戶普通家庭一年的用電量), 可為附近的抽水站或水塘的空氣壓縮機房供電,亦為地球每年減少84 公噸的二氧化碳排放量。 Each pilot FPV system generates about 120 000kWh of electricity annually which will be used to power nearby pumping station or air compressor house of the reservoir. The amount of electricity generated is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 36 average households with a reduction of 84 tonnes of CO2 emission. 各個浮動太陽能發電系統先導計劃每年 能產生約12 萬度電 Each pilot FPV system generates about 120 000kWh of electricity annually 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 70 Scale up 升 級 開 拓