WSD Annual Report 2022/23

點滴話你知 Did you know? 由於氯氣有毒、具腐蝕性及易於擴散,其被歸類為危險品條例下 的第2.3 類危險品,液態氯的運輸和貯存亦須遵守嚴格的安全和 操作要求。例如,消防處對運輸液態氯的車輛訂立具體安全要 求,而海事處亦對運輸液態氯的船舶訂立要求。 此外,水務署使用深水角氯氣裝卸區來專門裝卸液態氯。食水處 理和消毒過程停止使用液態氯後,水務署已安排一項為期12 個 月的計劃,用於妥善運輸、除毒(清除所有殘餘氯氣)及處置超 過1 000 個曾盛載液態氯的容器。 Due to the toxic, corrosive and diffusible nature, chlorine gas is classified as Class 2.3 Dangerous Goods under the Dangerous Goods Ordinance, and the transportation and storage of liquid chlorine is subject to stringent safety and operational requirements. For example, the Fire Services Department has specific safety requirements for vehicles used for the conveyance of liquid chlorine, while the Marine Department has requirements for vessels used for the transportation of liquid chlorine. In addition, the WSD has dedicated Sham Shui Kok Chlorine Trans-shipment Dock for loading and unloading liquid chlorine. Following the cessation of liquid chlorine for fresh water treatment and disinfection, the WSD has arranged a 12-month programme to properly transport, detoxify (via removal of all remaining chlorine gas) and dispose of over 1 000 used liquid chlorine containers. 安裝現場氯氣生產設備後,食水處理和消毒過程已不再使用液態氯。 The installation of onsite chlorine generation has marked the end of using liquid chlorine for fresh water treatment and disinfection. 氯氣被歸類為危險品條例下的第2.3 類危險品 Chlorine gas is classified as Class 2.3 Dangerous Goods under the Dangerous Goods Ordinance 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 75 Scale up 升 級 開 拓