WSD Annual Report 2022/23

於新常態下善用知識 二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情帶來工作、舉辦活動及分享知識的根 本轉變。儘管疫情帶來挑戰,但我們繼續善用知識管理及數碼 技術,持續培養學習文化。 年內,我們以面授、網上及混合模式舉辦各種知識管理活動, 如「知識管理茶座」、技術研討會、分享會、K-POP 及參觀活 動等,迎合不同領域、職系和分區員工的學習需要,有助將寶 貴見解轉化為新知識。這些知識管理活動為員工提供有效的平 台,讓他們孕育創意、分享經驗、發展最佳實務,以及緊貼水 務最新動向及技術提升。水務署透過這些平台,打造有利於知 識分享與協作的環境,使員工能夠發揮專業知識,同時可由同 儕分享的知識中獲益。 二零二二至二三年度,儘管受疫情影響,我們在培養持續學習 文化方面取得良好進展,有超過 1 400 人次參與了 24 項知識管 理活動。 Harnessing the Power of Knowledge in the New Normal The COVID-19 epidemic has brought a fundamental shift in how we work, organise events and share knowledge. Despite the challenges, we have continued to foster learning culture by harnessing the power of knowledge management and embracing digital technologies. During the year, a wide variety of knowledge management activities, for example, themed KM Cafés, Technical Seminars, Sharing Sessions, K-POPs and Site Visits were conducted in in-person, online and hybrid modes, which addressed different learning needs of our staff members across disciplines, grades and geographies; as well as facilitated the transformation of valuable insights into new knowledge. These Knowledge Management (KM) activities provided effective platforms for staff members to generate ideas, share experiences, develop best practices and stay updated with the latest industry trends and technological advancement. Through these platforms, the WSD has created an environment conducive to knowledge sharing and collaboration, empowering staff members to contribute their expertise while benefitting from the knowledge of their peers. In 2022/23, we achieved good progress in fostering a culture of continuous learning amidst the impact of the epidemic with over 1 400 man-time participating in 24 KM activities. 知識管理 在水務署,我們培養、追求、分享知識並使之成為方便應用的 策略性資產,以增強我們在日益複雜的營運環境中創新和適應 挑戰的能力。知識管理是支持能力建構、推動數碼化、智慧水 務創新,以及提升工作表現和營運效率的關鍵因素。 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT At the WSD, knowledge is a strategic asset that we cultivate, capture, share and make it accessible for enhancing our resilience to innovate and adapt to the challenges of the increasingly complex operating environment. Knowledge management is the key to supporting capacity building, driving digitalisation and smart water innovations, as well as enhancing performance and operational efficiency. 靈活知識管理平台推動合作、學習及創新 我們的一站式知識管理平台「點聚」整合了知識管理活動、 培訓課程及水務相關資料,推動知識協作及見解分享,讓員工 能規劃自己的專業發展,亦可輕鬆透過水務署的知識寶庫, 獲取文件、報告、指引及最佳實務等資訊。 Versatile KM Portal for Empowering Collaboration, Learning and Innovation As the focal point of knowledge events, training courses and waterworks-related materials, our onestop KM Portal fosters knowledge collaboration and insights sharing, enables staff to plan for their professional development, as well as provides an easy access to information as the repository of WSD’s various knowledge assets including documents, reports, guidelines and best practices. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 88 Support 全 力 支 持