WSD Annual Report 2022/23

International Recognition for Innovative Knowledge Management For two consecutive years, the WSD has been honoured with the prestigious "Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award" and the "Hong Kong MIKE Award”, which is an international benchmark to assess best knowledge management and innovation practices. The awards recognise the department’s consistent outstanding performance and are a testament to the commitment and sustainable efforts in effectively harnessing knowledge to drive innovation and improve water supply services and operations. In addition to establishing an internal robust framework for capturing, organising, and disseminating valuable knowledge through a series of knowledge management initiatives, the WSD has actively engaged in various collaborative partnerships with industry experts, academic institutions, and other stakeholders with a view to exchanging knowledge, sharing best practices, and staying at the forefront of water management advancements. 國際認可的創新知識管理 水務署連續兩年榮獲享負盛名的「全球最具創新力知識型機構 大獎」及「香港最具創新力知識型機構大獎」,這些獎項是評 估最佳知識管理和創新實踐的一項全球基準。有關獎項表彰水 務署持續的出色表現,亦印證我們的承諾及持續努力以有效運 用知識推動創新,及改善供水服務與營運。 除了透過一系列的知識管理活動建構內部框架,以鎖定、組織 及傳遞具價值的知識,水務署亦主動與行業專家、學術機構及 其他持份者建立協作關係,以交流知識、分享最佳實務及緊貼 水資源管理的最新發展。 水務署副署長周世威先生對於獲得二零二二年香港最具創新力知識型機構大獎 感到欣喜。他表示獎項將激勵水務署在知識管理與創新方面持續改善,追求 世界級水平。 Mr. CHAU Sai-wai, Deputy Director of Water Supplies was delighted to receive the Hong Kong MIKE Award 2022. He said that the award would provide the WSD with motivation to strive for continuous improvements and world-class standards in knowledge management and innovation. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 94 Support 全 力 支 持