WSD Annual Report 2022/23

推廣智慧用水文化 為了延續巿民惜水的習慣,及在控制食水需求增長方面帶來正面的改變,我們透過公眾教育 活動,以目標為本的方針來與社區密切合作,務求推動公眾支持,提高活動的成效。 PROMOTING WATER-WISE CULTURE To sustain water-cherishing behaviour and effect positive changes in containing the growth of fresh water demand, we leverage both public education campaigns as well as a targeted approach in close collaboration with the local communities to mobilise support and enhance effectiveness. 我們的社區 Our Community 為了鼓勵市民積極節約用水,我們舉辦了「齊來慳水十公升 2.0」 社區節約用水活動。當中包括「創新節水花灑頭設計比賽」、 「挑戰沖涼 4 分鐘」及「私人屋苑及私立學校免費安裝節流器」 等一系列活動。 To encourage the public in making active contributions in cherishing water, we have organised the community water conservation campaign namely "Let's Save 10L Water 2.0". This campaign comprises a series of activities including the “Innovative Water Efficient Showerhead Design Competition”, the “4-minute Shower Challenge” and “Free Installation of Flow Controllers at private housing estates and private schools” etc. 「齊來慳水十公升2.0」活動 "Let's Save 10L Water 2.0" Campaign Save 10 Litres A Day • Cherish Water Together 每日慳水十公升‧珍惜用水齊響應 詳情請登入: For details, please visit: To encourage the public to conserve water proactively, the Water Supplies Department launches the “Let’s Save 10L Water 2.0” campaign.Through a series of activities, we strive to promote water cherishing culture to all walks of life with an target to reduce daily water consumption per capita by 10 litres as a co-operative effort to respond to the challenges of climate change. 私立學校免費安裝節流器 Free Installation of Flow Controllers at Private Schools 於私立學校推行安裝節流器計劃, 培養學生珍惜水資源的習慣。 Install flow controllers at private schools to cultivate students’ water conservation habits. 創新節水花灑頭設計大賽 Innovative Water Efficient Showerhead Design Competition 創作嶄新設計概念的節水花灑頭, 將香港發展成為智慧用水城市。 Inspire creative design of water saving showerheads in order to develop Hong Kong as a Water Smart City. 挑戰沖涼4分鐘 4-minute Shower Challenge 鼓勵小學生於四分鐘內完成淋浴。 Motivate primary school students to finish showers in 4 minutes. 為鼓勵香港市民積極節約用水,水務署推出「齊來慳水十公升 2.0」運動,透過一系 列活動,將惜水文化滲透至不同界別,冀於日常生活中達至每人每日慳水十公升, 同心協力應對氣候變化所帶來的挑戰。 全民慳水比賽 Water Saving Competition 邀請全港住宅用戶參與比拼用水量。 Invite households in Hong Kong to compete on water consumption. 私人屋苑免費安裝節流器 Free Installation of Flow Controllers at Private Housing Estates 為私人屋苑安裝節流器並舉行展覽, 宣揚節水文化。 Install flow controllers at Private Housing Estates and organise exhibitions to promote water conservation. 活動包括: Activities include: 4min 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 96 Support 全 力 支 持