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Relocation of Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs to Caverns – Construction Works

Project Scope

  1. construction of a caverns complex inside the mountain body at the south of Lion Rock of about 1.1 hectares in total area and about 156 000 cubic metres in total volume for accommodating the relocated Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs (DHSRs) and associated facilities;
  2. site formation works at the access tunnel portal area near Ma Chai Hang Pumping Station, and construction of an access tunnel to connect the caverns complex;
  3. construction of the relocated DHSRs and the associated facilities (including two pumping stations) in caverns;
  4. laying of fresh water and salt water pumping and distribution mains of about 13 kilometres (km) in total length with diameters ranging from 250 millimetres (mm) to 800 mm in caverns, access tunnel and Wong Tai Sin district for connection with the existing water supply network; and
  5. associated works including environmental mitigation works, landscaping works, electrical and mechanical works and other engineering works.

Approved Project Estimate

 $2,334.2 million

Construction Commencement Date

December 2022

Estimated Construction Completion Date

Second half of 2027

Current Progress

Construction is in progress

Project Office in WSD

Project Management Division


Binnies Hong Kong Limited


Contract No. 21/WSD/21 - Relocation of Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs to Caverns

(NEC4 ECC Option C)