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WSD Circular Letters

Please note that all the circular letters held under this web page are in PDF format and you need to download the latest version of Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents.

The following list is a complete set of existing Circular Letters that are currently in force.

From time to time, new Circular Letters are added to the list to promulgate new policy decisions and procedures. Circular Letters are removed from the list when they are outdated or their contents have been subsumed in other relevant publications issued by Water Supplies Department.

A full set of circular letters can be downloaded (file size of ~6.2MBytes) at this link.

Please note that all the circular letters held under this web page are in PDF format and you need to download the latest version of Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents.

The following list is a complete set of existing Circular Letters that are currently in force.

From time to time, new Circular Letters are added to the list to promulgate new policy decisions and procedures. Circular Letters are removed from the list when they are outdated or their contents have been subsumed in other relevant publications issued by Water Supplies Department.

A full set of circular letters can be downloaded (file size of ~12 MBytes) at this link.

Please note that all the circular letters held under this web page are in PDF format and you need to download the latest version of Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents.

The following circular letters have been either superseded or subsumed under relevant documents. For the subsumed circular letters, the policies and procedures contained therein can now be found in the document(s) (Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings and Guide to Application for Water Supply) indicated in the table below and should continue to be followed.

FAQs for Obsolete Circular Letters

No. Description Date Issued Category Applicable to
5/2025 Updated Version of "Guide to Application for Water Supply" 2025/02/12 3 Yes Yes
4/2025 Non-Destructive Tests for Lead Content at Solder Joints 2025/02/20 3 Yes Yes
3/2025 Distribution of Circular Letters by Electronic Means 2025/01/28 1 Yes NA
2/2025 Updated Version of “Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings” 2025/01/28 3 Yes Yes
8/2024 New General Acceptance (GA) System for Plumbing Materials Comply with Enhanced Technical Requirements 2024/09/30 4 Yes Yes
7/2024 Proposed Amendments to "Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings" 2024/09/13 3 Yes Yes
4/2024 Assessment of Licensed Plumbers' Performance in 2024 under the Penalty and Demerit Point System 2024/06/03 1 Yes Yes
2/2024 Proposed Amendments to "Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings" in respect of Kitchen Equipment 2024/05/16 2 Yes Yes
1/2024 Proposed Amendments to the Penalty and Demerit Point System 2024/04/25 1 Yes Yes
3/2023 Assessment of Licensed Plumbers’ Performance in 2023 under the Penalty and Demerit Point System 2023/06/21 1 Yes Yes
8/2022 Proposed Amendments to “Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings”, “Guide to Application for Water Supply” and “WSD’s Website” 2023/01/16 3 Yes Yes
3/2022 Voluntary Scheme in Enhancing Plumbing Works Control Stage 2 – Provisional of Site Supervision Team for Large-scale Plumbing Works 2022/04/22 1 Yes Yes
Addendum No. 2 to 5/2021 Voluntary Scheme in Enhancing Plumbing Works Control Stage 1 – Registration of Registered Plumbing Contractors (Provisional) 2022/04/22 1 Yes Yes
2/2022 Control Measures on Long Screw Connector / Flange Adaptor for Water Meter in Inside Service 2022/03/30 4 Yes Yes
1/2022 Assessment of Licensed Plumbers’ Performance in 2022 under the Penalty and Demerit Point System 2022/03/08 1 Yes Yes
3/2021 Leaching Test for General Acceptance (GA) Application of Taps and Mixers 2021/04/13 4 Yes Yes
2/2021 Adjustment to the Annual Average Total Commuted Demerit Points for Under-performed Licensed Plumbers under the Penalty and Demerit Point System 2021/03/08 1 Yes Yes
1/2021 Alternative Sampling Arrangement for Chemical Composition Tests for General Acceptance (GA) Application 2021/03/01 4 Yes Yes
3/2020 Examination for Issue and Renewal of Plumber’s Licence 2020/07/23 1 Yes Yes
4/2019 Plumbing Products with Product Certification under the Surveillance Programme on General Acceptance Products 2019/06/25 4 Yes Yes
2/2018 Commencement of Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 2018/02/15 1 Yes Yes
8/2017 Surveillance Programme for the General Acceptance System 2017/09/16 4 Yes Yes
3/2016 Voluntary Continuing Professional Development Scheme for Licensed Plumbers 2016/10/12 1 Yes Yes
2/2015 Validity Period for General Acceptance of Water Supply Pipes and Fittings 2015/08/11 4 Yes Yes
3/2010 Target Response Time for Completing the Key Activities in respect of the Application for Water Supply 2010/09/24 3 Yes Yes
3/2006 Meter Removal and Water Supply Disconnection due to Building Demolition 2006/09/07 2 NA Yes
5/1996 Reducing Minimum Flushing Volume from 9 Litres to 7.5 Litres 1996/08/17 2 Yes Yes


Category Information
1 Administration
2 Hong Kong Waterworks Standard Requirements
3 Application of Water Supply
4 Approval of Pipes and Fitting