The following circular letters have been either superseded or subsumed under relevant documents. The FAQs below are for reference only.
As stipulated in the Waterworks Ordinance, apart from alternations of repairs works of a minor nature, the construction or installation of inside service shall have the permission of the Water Authority and shall be carried out by a licensed plumber. The purpose of issuing WSD Circular Letter No. 4/2015 by the WSD is to remind relevant parties that all plumbing works using soldering for connecting copper pipes shall have the permission of the Water Authority and shall be carried out by a licensed plumber. The licensed plumber can be assisted by workers in carrying out the works if necessary.
Under the Waterworks Ordinance, construct, install, maintain, alter, repair and remove of fire service and inside service shall be carried out by licensed plumber. The licensed plumber can be assisted by workers when needed. However he should involve in supervision of the plumbing works.
Increase the public’s awareness is important. We will promote and educate the public to use pipe and fitting accepted under the Waterworks Regulations. If home renovation involves plumbing works and soldering is used for copper pipe connection, the works shall have the permission of the Water Authority and shall be carried out by a licensed plumber. We will send out promotional pamphlet to deliver the message. You may also get the pamphlet at the "List of WSD Publications" webpage.
Water Authority will inspect completed plumbing work and solder joint material is within the scope of the inspection.
The issuance of WSD Circular Letter No. 5/2015 aims at standardizing the number and location of water sampling, which is in response to recent feedback from the industry concerning WSD Circular Letter No. 1/2015. Apart from this, by introducing non-destructive tests on lead content at solder joints, we can strengthen the control over the works of fresh water inside service, hence safeguard the quality of water supply.
Except for the works of a minor nature and without involving solder joints, the WSD Circular Letter No. 5/2015 is applicable to all newly installed fresh water inside service.
The WSD Circular Letter No. 2/2012 and 5/2015 stipulate that all the water sample collection and testing for newly installed underground fresh water mains must be carried out by the Water Authority whereas the applicant or licensed plumber shall arrange accredited laboratory to collect and test the water samples at other locations from inside service water supply system. Testing of water samples shall be carried out by accredited laboratory which has been accredited for all the individual parameters required. The accredited laboratory shall collect the water samples according to the water sampling procedure and cleaning procedure for sampling bottles as listed on WSD’s webpage. Attention is drawn on the requirement stated in WSD Circular Letter that test reports for all the water samples must be submitted to the Water Authority, to show the test results meeting the acceptance criteria prior to effect of water supply.
Please refer the following website for HOKLAS accredited laboratories for:
General water sample testing: (under Environmental Testing); and
Perform analysis of lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, antimony and copper:
Whether the non-destructive test at solder joints is required to be carried out by the accredited laboratories will depend on the testing procedure and technical requirement of the proposed test.
During the inspection of the Water Authority, any irregularity found in the works of the Licensed Plumber will be recorded on the waterworks form WWO 1008, and points will be deducted according to the point penalty system. The Licensed Plumber will be required to rectify the irregularity as soon as possible. After rectification works, the Licensed Plumber is required to apply to the Water Authority for re-inspection and testing on the works of the relevant inside service.
Until 1 April 2016, the directory of approved pipes and fittings for non-potable water supply system in WSD’s webpage link below applies to applications of non-potable water supply systems, including those for flushing, construction purpose, fire service, cooling water, irrigation and cleansing etc.
However, from 1 April 2016 onward, the directory for potable water supply system will prevail and will be used for both potable and non-potable water supply systems.
The LP is required to report details of pipes and fittings to be used in the Annex to Form WWO 46:
All uPVC pipes must be protected from sunlight exposure because ultraviolet radiation can cause degradation to unprotected uPVC pipes. It is acceptable to paint the exposed uPVC pipes with ultraviolet resistant paint in colour other than white, on condition that the paint is chemically compatible with the uPVC pipes. When the ultraviolet resistant paint is applied, shielding is not absolutely necessary.
The revised requirements of Hong Kong Waterworks Standard Requirements are applicable to those plumbing projects with WWO Form 46 Part 1 & 2 submitted on and after the issue of WSD Circular Letter No. 7/2015, i.e. 19 October 2015.
The issuance of Circular Letter No. 8/2015 aims at enhancing the existing arrangements for inspection of plumbing works and point penalty system for assessing the performance of licensed plumbers.
New building projects with at least one building with more than 3 storeys require provision of sample boards. Hence, re-plumbing works or new building projects with none of the buildings more than 3 storeys do not need to provide sample boards.
The sample board shall display samples of taps, shower mixers, valves and pipes list in the Annex of submitted WWO 46. For pipes and valves of the same brand and type but of different diameters, only typical samples which can clearly show the brand name and marking of the products should be displayed. For valves of small quantity being used on the plumbing works, such as pressure reducing valve, non-return valve etc., which would require to be reported in WWO 46 Annex from 1 April 2016, only the relevant product catalogues, instead of a sample, which can clearly indicate the brand name, type and marking of the products should be displayed in the sample board.
A plumber under suspension is NO longer taken as licensed plumber and he is NOT permitted to carry out any plumbing works which require the approval of the Water Authority (including any plumbing works for which the plumber has submitted a Form WWO 46 to the Water Authority). Besides, he cannot submit any part of the form WWO46 during the suspension period.
The purpose of inspection other parts of the plumbing works not reported as completed but found on site during the interim inspection is for the early detection of defects. Defects found in the other parts of the plumbing works not reported as completed are not subject to the point penalty system.
The final inspection must be carried out in the presence of the concerned licensed plumber in new building projects except those involving just one single detached village house. If the new building project has more than one single detached village house, the licensed plumber is also required to attend the final inspection.
For the new building project involving just one single detached village house, the licensed plumber can authorize a representative to attend the final inspection.
According to the requirement of the British Standard, the solder used for making joint shall be lead free for potable water applications. For a fire service system, water is not used for human consumption. Hence, it is not necessary to use the lead free solder for jointing pipes and fitting in the fire service system.
A Task Group has recently been commissioned to, inter alia, facilitate the implementation of the new improvement measures. The issuance of Circular Letter No. 9/2015 aims at announcing the arrangements to be implemented after meeting by the Task Group.
The supplementary tests should be carried out by the accredited laboratories specified in WSD Circular Letter No. 6/2015.
There is no minimum penalty point for making an appeal under the appeal mechanism. If an LP disagrees with a WWO1008 issued to the LP, the LP may submit an appeal.
For a new building project, it is necessary for the Applicant, the AP and the new LP to sign the fresh WWO 46 Parts I & II if replacement of LP is needed.
The validity period of the general acceptance for a pipe or fitting will be determined based on the earliest expiry date of the certificates or test reports, if more than one certificate or test report is needed to support that the pipe or fitting complies with relevant British Standards.
Registered professional engineer (building services) as defined in the Engineers Registration Ordinance (Cap 409) and Corporate Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Building Services Discipline) are eligible to certify the certificates.
WSD has provided the following sample completed checklists for reference.
As mentioned in Cicular Letter No. 2/2016, audit checks will be carried out by WSD on items of the checklist inspected by the LP and certified by the RPE(BSS) / MHKIE in BSS discipline. When LP apply for interim inspection under the "pilot scheme", upon receipt of WWO46 Part IV and relevant documents applying for voluntary submission of interim inspection checklists on underground pipes, WSD will make an appointment with the LP for interim inspection on a random basis. The licensed plumber will be notified whether the application is selected for inspection. In the event the application is not selected for inspection and the interim inspection checklists are checked with no apparent irregularity, the Water Authority will issue the approval for covering up the plumbing works.
For those products not yet registered under WELS, suppliers may have to check to see if they should be applied for registration WELS. For those products not complying with the prescribed water efficiency requirements, we accept the alternative of installing a WELS flow controller inside the said product to form a combined water consuming device meeting the prescribed water efficiency requirements. However, testing will be required by the accredited laboratories to demonstrate the overall water efficiency of the combined water consuming device with effect from 1 February 2019. On the other hand, all premises with tenders/quotations concerning the installation of showers for bathing, water taps or urinal flushing valves therein invited before 1 February 2017 may be eligible for exemption from the mandatory use of designated products registered under WELS, for which the applicant shall submit documentary proof of such tender/quotation or the existence of such tender/quotation, and demonstrate that the specifications stipulated under the said tender/quotation for the use of those designated products could not fulfill the prescribed water efficiency requirements to the WA for verification and approval.
Unless specified as minor alterations and repairs as in the web page “Employ a Licensed Plumber”, any intentional replacement of WELS compliant products by non-compliant products (without the permission given by the WA) shall be considered as alteration of the inside service without the WA’s permission, and such alteration is considered not a minor nature in accordance with s.14(2) of WWO. To that end, pursuant to s.16 of WWO, the WA may by notice require the agent or the consumer as appropriate to carry out the repairs or other works specified in the notice to the concerned inside service.
For those form WWO 46 submissions involving the designated products, the WA will not grant permission if the designated products specified in the Annex to the form do not meet the prescribed water efficiency requirements.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to properly submit application according to the requirements as stated in the Circular Letter. For application with drawings, the applicant should submit according to the methods stated in the Circular Letter, i.e. by hand or by mail to the Document Management Centre (DMC) (43/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai) directly. Submission of application with drawings via other channels such as by email or by fax will not be processed. Besides, for submission received by DMC without relevant WWO Form or cover letter, it will be regarded as invalid application and the application will be rejected.
The dropbox arrangement at Mong Kok, Cheung Sha Wan and Kowloon Bay Offices set out in Circular No. 2/2005 will be cancelled at 9:00am on 20 March 2017 (Monday), and the dropboxes at these Offices will be removed at the sametime. Starting from 20 February 2017, notices will be posted at the dropboxes announcing the removal of the dropboxes on 20 March 2017. After 20 March 2017, all applications with drawings must be submitted to DMC (43/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai) by hand or by mail. For applications without drawings, they can be submitted by hand or mail to DMC or through email ( or fax (2802 7333) to WSD.
The applicant should submit all necessary documents shown in the Check List. If some necessary documents are found missing, the application will not be processed. Upon receipt of the notification from the WA, the applicant should submit the missing documents expeditiously, or else the application will be rejected.
Documents not shown on the Checklist are irrelevant and should not be submitted. If irrelevant documents are found enclosed in the plumbing proposal, the WA will not consider them in the vetting and approval process. The applicant may be requested to collect these irrelevant documents at designated place as advised by the WA.
Whilst submission of the duly completed Check List in the plumbing proposal is voluntary at this stage, the applicant is highly encouraged to do so for the mutual benefits of the WA and oneself. The WA will continue monitor the quality of the submitted plumbing proposal and may turn this voluntary arrangement to mandatory requirement if the situation warrants.
For those plumbing proposals approved before the effective date of the Circular Letter (20 February 2017), the current procedures will continue to be applicable to their re-submissions. That is, in the circumstances that the WA has given approval on consideration of not only the Vertical Plumbing Line Diagrams but also the Pipe Alignment Plans, these drawings should be regarded as part of the approved plumbing proposals.
Yes, you are still required to report completion on the concealed pipes through Form WWO46 Part IV for the WA to inspect before they are backfilled or covered up.
The latest version of all typical pipe alignment plans of the completed works showing the jointing methods, pipe materials and sizes should be submitted. If the completed works is not typical nature, the latest version of pipe alignment plans should still be submitted for the use of the WA in the inspection. Please make sure the plans are updated with the latest site condition.
If the approval of the plumbing proposal covers both VPLD and pipe alignment plan(s), the WA will inspect the completed works according to the approved plumbing proposal. Penalty points will be marked if discrepancy is found.
If the approval of the plumbing proposal covers VPLD but not pipe alignment plans, the WA will inspect the works according to the approved VPLD. The pipe alignment plans submitted with Part IV of Form WWO46 are solely for the use in the inspection. Penalty points will be marked if discrepancy between the actual completed works and the approved VPLD is found. However, if discrepancy between the actual completed works and the reference pipe alignment plan is found, the approved drawings will be used for decision.
Nonetheless, it is a good practice for the applicant to keep the drawings up-to-date for the easy preparation of as-fitted drawings.
All catalogues of water using apparatus and drawings should be submitted in one set of hard copy to the Document Management Centre by hand or by mail. WSD will not print the drawings and catalogue for applicants. Besides, applicants are reminded to submit these catalogues under separate cover letter with WWO Part I and II.
The enhanced workflow mentioned in this Circular Letter is applicable to online re-plumbing works (except those works of minor nature which are waived under Section 14(2) of Waterworks Ordinance) in occupied buildings. Online re-plumbing works means those re-plumbing works which are carried out along the existing alignment by directly installing and replacing the existing plumbing installation with the new plumbing installation.
The enhanced workflow is applicable to online re-plumbing works in occupied buildings with tenders invited (if applicable) (the tender invitation date as shown in the tender document), or Form WWO 542 submitted (receipt date of Form WWO542 by Document Control Center of WSD), on or after 30 June 2017 (whichever is earlier). In this connection, the applicants shall indicate in their plumbing proposal whether online re-plumbing method will be adopted (for example, mention “online re-plumbing works” next to the types of water supply applied for “(g) Replumbing” on the form or indicate on the vertical plumbing line diagram the extent of the online re-plumbing works) when the applicant submits Form WWO 542 for the works. If the online re-plumbing works were tendered before 30 June 2017, applicant shall provide documentation proof of tenders invited and to prove that the proposed water supplies application of re-plumbing works are to be covered by the tender document in order to allow WSD to decide whether the requirements in this Circular Letter have to be followed.
The enhanced workflow also requires the applicant to provide temporary water supply arrangement and the arrangement to notify the affected consumers not to use the tap water for drinking and cooking purposes during the works. If the above information is not provided without adequate reason, the Water Authority will reject the Form WWO 542 Application and require the applicant to re-submit.
The enhanced workflow encourages the plumbing industry to follow the recommendation of the “Good Practice Guide on Plumbing Works” to adopt jointing methods free from the risk of misuse of leaded solder joints, e.g. use of mechanical joints or brazing for jointing copper pipes or the use of fittings with integral solder ring for this type of re-plumbing works. If soldering is to be adopted, the applicants shall follow the additional requirement. The additional requirement does not apply to the use of fittings with integral solder ring in online re-plumbing works.
The pretreatment of fittings or low leaching rate fittings are only applicable to fittings (including taps) with copper alloy inner surfaces which will be in contact with potable water.
The Contractor or the responsible Licensed Plumber (LP) can carry out the pre-treatment according to the protocol specified in the Appendix I of the Circular Letter at place outside the work site to suit the actual circumstance. The responsible LP is required to submit a confirmation to the Water Authority (WA) using the form in Appendix II that the new fittings, where applicable, have been pre-treated. This confirmation should be submitted to the WA together with the Form WWO 46 Part IV.
WSD will accept laboratories accredited by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) under the following sub-categories:-
Category | Sub-category |
Construction Materials |
For details, please refer to the "Pipes and Fittings to be used in Inside Service or Fire Service" web page.
WSD also accepts the test reports accredited under the HOKLAS – Mutual Recognition Agreements for the testing items.
Applicant shall submit Form WWO 542 application of water supply for the metered standpipe. The type of water supplies applied for shall be “Others” specifying “metered standpipe for provision of temporary water supply”. The applicant must submit the Form 542 for application of this meter together with the WWO 542 for the water supply application for online re-plumbing works. Water Authority (WA) will only process the Form WWO 542 application for metered standpipe for the online re-plumbing works。(Please note that the applicant/consumer/agent, the Licensed Plumber (LP) and authorized person should submit the Form WWO 46 for the approval to construct the standpipe inside services system as a new water plumbing works. The responsible LP shall remove the plumbing installation of the standpipe and associated water pipe after the issuance of WWO 46 Part V and WSD had removed the water meter).
The type of services for the water meter on the standpipe shall be as follows:
Type of premises within the scope of re-plumbing works | Type of services for the water meter on the standpipe |
Domestic buildings |
Domestic supply Please refer to the booklet “Classification of Water Consumer Accounts” for the classification code If there are premises of commercial uses which are subject to TES within the domestic buildings, separate meter following the approach in non-domestic buildings below should be provided on the standpipe as far as practicable for the use of commercial premises. |
Non-domestic buildings |
Non-domestic supply Case A: Case B: Please refer to the booklet “Classification of Water Consumer Accounts” for the classification code. Please refer to the DSD website for the trade effluent surcharge and the reduction percentage of the water supplied. |
Domestic and non-domestic buildings | Refer to the above type of services in domestic and non-domestic buildings to provide separate domestic and non-domestic meters respectively. |
The temporary resumption of water supply can be effected by the Licensed Plumber or his representative after 12:30pm on the day after provided that there is no reply from Water Authority (WA) to disapprove the temporary resumption of water supply. The receipt and despatch time of the reply are determined by the WSD email and messaging system. We encourage the Licensed Plumber or his representative to submit the required documents to WA as early as possible. The email addresses and WhatsApp numbers of the Regional Offices stated in the Circular Letter are for the purpose of submission of resumption of temporary water supply for purposes other than drinking and cooking. They are not for enquires of customer services, plumbing works and purposes other than application for resumption of temporary water supply.
The site photos enclosed in the submission shall show the completed works and the non-destructive test for the lead content (if applicable) and need to show clearly the ASN no. of the corresponding works (e.g. a photo with paper/white board with the ASN No. printed/written on it). Please refer to the sample template of Appendix III (PDF / Word).
The Licensed Plumber shall approach the owners of the work site/premises, the residents, the merchant, incorporated owners, owner’s committee, property management company, management office etc for the consent to enter the site to facilitate the Water Authority (WA) to carry out such random inspection depending on the actual circumstance of the works site.
The temporary water supply arrangement and the arrangement to notify the affected consumers not to use the concerned tap water for drinking and cooking purpose should be implemented from the commencement of the re-plumbing works until the Water Authority (WA) had completed the inspection of the whole re-plumbing works with satisfactory result of water samples and WA’s issuance of the WWO 46 Part V.
The concerned inside services of the re-plumbing works can be resumed for drinking and cooking purpose after issuance of WWO 46 Part V by the WA.
There are no specific requirements. The Applicant can flexibly devise a viable and accessible arrangement for the affected consumers taking into account the actual circumstances of the premise, the scale of re-plumbing works, the duration of the re-plumbing works, the need of consumers for drinking and cooking purpose. The followings are some examples:
The Applicant can flexibly devise a viable arrangement to notify the consumers based on the actual circumstance of the premises of the re-plumbing works. The following are some examples:
To facilitate the submission of the proposed arrangement, applicant can make use of the template form (PDF / Word) as submission for the approval of Water Authority. (To be submitted together with WWO 542)
To ensure the potable water inside service is thoroughly flushed, plumber should flush at all drinking water taps of the inside service (such as kitchen sinks). If there is no drinking water tap in the premises, then flushing should be carried out at other water taps (such as toilet).
Plumbers should thoroughly flush the newly constructed potable water inside service at drinking water taps to help reduce the leaching of heavy metal. To ensure the potable water inside service is thoroughly flushed, plumbers should remove the strainer when carrying out the systematic flushing.
The Circular Letter requires the applicant of the online re-plumbing works (applicant of the Form WWO 542) to provide temporary water supply arrangement and the arrangement to notify the affected consumers not to use the tap water for drinking and cooking purpose. Depending on the actual circumstance of the premises, the applicant may be the occupies/agent/persons responsible for the management of the premises of the inside services/communal services. If necessary, the applicant should discuss with the contractor/licensed plumbers concerned on how to implement the above arrangements.
Yes. According to Annex V of this Circular Letter, LP should first obtain satisfactory sampling test results according to the sampling protocol stated in 1/2015 and 5/2015 before WA issue WWO 46 (1/2017) Part V. Afterward, LP should obtain satisfactory sampling test results according to the sampling protocol stated in para 3(a) of this Circular Letter within one month of the issuance of Form WWO 46 (1/2017) Part V.
It is the building contractor/LP's responsibility to carry out the required stagnation according to WA's requirement. Building contractor/LP shall clearly indicate to the accredited laboratories the time of stagnation commenced, the time to take samples, and the sampling protocols for obtaining sample test results. WSD will also closely liaise with accredited laboratories regarding details of the water sampling test and carry out spot check as appropriate.
Same as previous arrangement, the sample test report should be submitted directly to WA via email. According to paragraph 4(c ) of this Circular Letter, WA will effect water supply within 7 days of successful disinfection at connection point, i.e. the sampling day with the pass of HPC test or E.Coli test, whichever is earlier, to avoid possible contamination. Therefore, the sample test reports should be submitted within this period.
E. Coli is one of the testing parameters for 6 hour stagnation water sampling test and cannot be replaced by HPC testing. Therefore E. Coli should be tested in Stage 1 or Stage 2.
This Circular Letter deals with the POTABLE water purpose in unoccupied buildings and village houses as stated in paragraph 1. Non-potable fresh water purpose (concessionary usage, cooling/Air-conditioning/ Humidification, construction supply) after break tank need not be sampled and tested.
Stage 1 (water sampling tests |
Stage 2 |
Metal parameters |
fail |
pass |
pass |
fail |
pass |
pass |
Physical and Chemical parameters |
pass |
fail |
pass |
pass |
fail |
pass |
Bacteriological parameters (E.coli and Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)) |
pass |
pass |
fail |
pass |
pass |
fail |
Re-test arrangement |
all parameters |
parameters other than metal and HPC |
all parameters |
parameters other than metal |
In addition to the requirements stated in the Circular Letter, the following sampling protocol should be followed when collecting E.coli water samples:
Metal parameters | fail | pass | pass |
Physical and Chemical parameters | pass | fail | pass |
Bacteriological parameters (E.coli and Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)) | pass | pass | fail |
Re-test arrangement | all parameters | parameters other than metal |
In addition to the requirements stated in the Circular Letter, the following sampling protocol should be followed when collecting E.coli water samples:
Please refer to the following website for:
No. It is because the LP concerned has not reported for the WA’s inspection and approval of the completed plumbing works through submission of Form WWO46 Part IV. The point penalty system is also not applicable.