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1. Name
The International Water Association Regional Committee of Hong Kong, China (IWAHK) (Chinese translation:國 際 水 協 中 國 香 港 地 區 委 員 會).
2. Objectives
The IWAHK representing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is a Governing Member of the International Water Association (IWA). The IWAHK is established to represent all interests in the water sector in the HKSAR including industry, government, academia/research, consultants, contractors and suppliers, and to coordinate all IWA activities in the HKSAR.
3. Membership
The Members of the IWAHK shall comprise all Corporate and Individual Members (including Student Members) of the IWA in the HKSAR.
4. Rights of Governing Membership
The IWAHK shall be the IWA Governing Member representing the HKSAR under the name of Hong Kong, China and shall have the following rights:
A role in the management of IWA through membership of the IWA Board. Each IWA Governing Member has two official representatives on the IWA Board, but only one vote.
The right to nominate candidates for the Presidency and the two Vice-Presidencies.
The right to be considered for places on IWA Councils and Committees.
The right to bid for hosting a World Congress, regional and/or specialized congresses, workshops or seminars sponsored by IWA.
Involvement in all IWA's scientific and technical activities.
Receipt of a copy of all publications of IWA.
Access to a worldwide network of expertise and contacts.
5. Duties of IWAHK
Being the IWA Governing Member representing the HKSAR under the name of Hong Kong, China, the IWAHK undertakes the following duties:
To promote the objectives and activities of the IWA and the Asia Pacific Group of the IWA (ASPIRE) in the HKSAR.
To ensure that all interests in the water sector in the HKSAR are represented.
To comply with the Constitution, Bylaws and Operating Procedures of IWA at all times.
To ensure that the Regional Committee's objectives remain consistent with those of IWA at all times.
To promote Corporate, Individual and Student membership in the HKSAR.
To appoint official representatives to the IWA Board and the ASPIRE Council.
To promote IWA's publications and international congresses including encouraging submission of papers and provision of reviewers or referees for international congresses.
To promote ASPIRE activities including Regional Conferences and workshops.
To endeavour to host a World Congress and/or ASPIRE Regional Conference.
To endeavour to ensure its representatives attend all IWA Board Meetings and ASPIRE Council Meetings.
To initiate and/or approve and support IWA regional and specialized conferences, workshops and seminars held in the HKSAR.
To report as requested to each IWA Board/ASPIRE Council Meeting on its activities since the previous IWA Board/ASPIRE Council Meeting.
To ensure that the IWA Board/ASPIRE Council representatives participate fully in business which is done by mail or e-mail between meetings.
To pay the prescribed annual Governing Membership fee to IWA by the date specified.
To notify the IWA Executive Director immediately in writing of any change in its constitution and official representatives.
6. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) of the IWAHK shall be responsible for the management and administration of the IWAHK. The EC shall consist of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, a maximum of five Co-opted Members, the Treasurer and the Secretary.
7. Chairman
The Director of Water Supplies (DWS) representing Water Supplies Department (WSD) of the Government of the HKSAR (HKSARG) shall be the Chairman of the IWAHK.
8. Responsibilities of the Chairman
To ensure that the IWAHK is able to discharge its duties, the Chairman, upon consultation with the EC, shall be responsible for:
Nominating and appointing one IWA Member to act as the Vice Chairman of the IWAHK.
Appointing representatives from WSD to act as the Treasurer and Secretary of the IWAHK.
Appointing Co-opted Members to the IWAHK EC.
Appointing official representatives to the IWA Board and ASPIRE Council.
Appointing representatives to attend all IWA Board and ASPIRE Council Meetings.
Making payment of Governing Membership fee to IWA.
Coordination of all IWA and ASPIRE activities in the HKSAR.
Disseminating IWA and ASPIRE information to all IWA Members in the HKSAR.
Providing secretariat and logistic services to the IWAHK including issuing notification of holding EC Meetings and Biennial General Meetings (BGMs), providing venues for EC Meetings and BGMs, preparing agendas and minutes of meetings etc.
Issuing notes of meeting to all IWA Members in the HKSAR.
Acting as the single contact point of the HKSAR with IWA and ASPIRE Council for all issues relating to IWA and ASPIRE.
Nominating representatives to join IWA Specialist Groups.
9. Vice Chairman
The Chairman shall invite one IWA Member to act as the Vice Chairman of the IWAHK.
10. Co-opted Members
The Chairman shall invite a maximum of five IWA Members from various components of the water sector in the HKSAR to act as Co-opted Members of the EC of the IWAHK to ensure full representation of the interests of all components of the sector. These components shall include but not limited to academia/research from universities, relevant government bureaux/departments, consultants, manufacturers, contractors and suppliers. The terms of the Co-opted Members shall normally be two years.
11. Executive Committee Meeting
The EC Meeting shall normally be held every three to six months and at least once every calendar year. The Chairman shall notify each EC member in writing or by e-mail of the time and place at least two weeks in advance of the EC Meeting.
12. Biennial General Meetings
The Biennial General Meeting (BGM) shall be held not later than the end of March every two calendar years. The Chairman shall notify each member in writing or by e-mail of the time and place at least three weeks in advance of the BGM.
13. Amendment to this Constitution
A proposal to amend the Constitution of the IWAHK may be made by any member of the IWAHK. Amendments shall be made at the EC Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) held for this purpose. The text of the proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, who shall ensure the proposal is included in the agenda for the next EC Meeting or EGM. The text of the amendment should be circulated to all EC members no later than two weeks before the EC Meeting or three weeks before the EGM. Upon consultation with the EC, the Chairman shall make the decision on whether any proposal for the amendment of this Constitution shall be carried or as decided by the EGM held for this purpose.
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