Site Map

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Site Map

Welcome Message
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Mission Statement
Executive Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Minutes of 3rd Executive Committee Meeting on 8 June 2006 pdf

Minutes of 2nd Executive Committee Meeting on 9 September 2005
& (Attachment A) pdf

Minutes of 2nd General Meeting on 5 March 2005 pdf

Minutes of 1st Executive Committee Meeting on 16 July 2004 pdf

Minutes of 1st General Meeting on 30 August 2003 pdf

Photo Gallery
  IWA International Water Utility Leaders Forum, 23-24 May 2006, Singapore

  2005 World Water Monitoring Day in Hong Kong - Sampling Tests

  Ceremony for 2005 World Water Monitoring Day in Hong Kong
Tai Mei Tuk Raw Water Pumping Station 16 October 2005

  1st IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition in Singapore

  List of Sponsors for Newspaper Supplement (March 2005) pdf

  40 Years Dongjiang Water Supply cum World Water Day 2005 Newspaper
pdf (English / Chinese)

  2nd General Meeting on 5 March 2005

  Ceremony for 2004 World Water Monitoring Day in Hong Kong
Pok Fu Lam Reservoir 3 October 2004

Associated Links on IWA and IWA-ASPIRE Activities
  The 1st International Conference for China Urban Water Development Strategies & Exhibition of New Technologies and Facilities for Water Treatment (30 Oct - 1 Nov 2005)

  The 5th IWA World Water Congress, Beijing, China (10-14 September 2006)

  The 2nd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia (28 Oct - 1 Nov 2007)

  IWA Homepage

  IWA Publishing

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