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2005 World Water Monitoring Day in Hong Kong
Summary of School Reports on Sampling Tests
during the Period from 16 to 30 October 2005

As a major part of the 2005 World Water Monitoring Day in Hong Kong campaign, the 15 participating schools are required to carry out sampling tests for different water sources by the use of the six no. of test kits provided. The participating schools had attended a briefing on 12 October 2005 regarding the selection of test sites, use of the test kits and reporting requirements before starting the sampling tests. Many of the schools chose to perform their tests in the small streams lying within catchment areas around local impounding reservoirs such as Tai Lam Chung and Jubilee or streams in their schools' nearby. The choice of these test sites was in line with the objective of the World Water Monitoring Day, ie to monitor the conditions of different raw water sources. The test results showed that the pH of water in these test sites was within the range of 7 to 8, the dissolved oxygen level ranged from 4 to 8 ppm while the turbidity was less than 40JTU in general. It can be concluded from these test results that the quality of water was free from serious pollution. Examples of good reports can be found by clicking here. Selected photos of the reports are available in the Photo Gallery.

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