The Water Supplies Department (WSD) launched “Fresh Water Plumbing Quality Maintenance Recognition Scheme” in July 2002. The said scheme was re-titled “Quality Water Recognition Scheme for Buildings”, “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water” and “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Plus)” (Q-Plus) in January 2008, March 2015 and December 2015 respectively to signify enhancement features.
Tap water quality can be affected by various factors inherent to a building’s internal plumbing systems, despite the fact that the water supplied by the WSD is safe for consumption, such as a lack of proper cleaning of the drinking water tank, a lack of proper maintenance of the internal plumbing systems causing contamination, or the use of non-compliant materials in the internal plumbing systems. Noting this, the WSD invited expert consultants to assist in developing a set of risk-management based guidelines and templates for the water safety plan for buildings (WSPB) in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The guidelines and templates encompass the identification of potential contamination risks in internal plumbing systems and the formulation of corresponding control measures to safeguard the quality of drinking water. The WHO welcomed the WSD’s action in devising these guidelines and templates, which are considered conducive to promoting the implementation of the WSPB. The guidelines and templates have been uploaded to a website jointly managed by the WHO and the International Water Association for international reference.
To promote WSPB to property owners and property management agents and give recognition to property owners and property management agents who have implemented WSPB, WSD launched a voluntary scheme “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System)” (QMS) with support from the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies by integrating WSPB with the “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings on 6 November 2017 to encourage the property owners and property management agents to implement WSPB for safeguarding the quality of drinking water.
Property owners and property management agents who have engaged a Qualified Persons trained in WSPB and passed assessments to develop and implement WSPB according to “Guidelines for Drinking Water Safety Plans for Buildings in Hong Kong” and WSP templates can apply QMS.
QMS aims to :
The Scheme is administered by the WSD. Participation in the Scheme is voluntary and there is no application or renewal fee. The main target groups to join the Scheme are property owners, owners’ corporations and property management agents. They shall submit new/renewal applications to the WSD using Form A (PDF / Word)(and Form B (PDF / Word) (for change of property management agents)).
The WSD will award certificates to successful buildings to recognise the responsible parties’ efforts in maintaining the internal plumbing systems properly. The names of the buildings, the owners’ corporations (if applicable) and property management agents are shown on the certificates to commend their contributions. The certificates or their copies could be displayed in those awarded buildings, stationeries and promotional materials, subject to the WSD’s guidelines. The certificates are classified into three grades according to the length of the continuous period for which a building has joined the Scheme:
Type of certificate | Length of continuous participation* | Validity |
Blue - new application | Less than 4 years | 2 years |
Blue - renewal | Less than 4 years | |
Silver - renewal | 4 years or more but less than 6 years | |
Gold - renewal | 6 years or more |
*Q-Plus participants who have submitted application for QMS within 3 months after the expiry of their Q-Plus certificate the grade of their Q-Plus certificates will be automatically carried forward to the Scheme.
Renewals submitted later than 3 months after the expiry date of the last certificates will be considered as new applications.
Blue Certificate - Sample
Silver Certificate - Sample
Gold Certificate - Sample
The guidelines and template for Water Safety Plan for Buildings have been updated in December 2022 and October 2024 (for “General Buildings” only) respectively. The guidelines and templates shown in this section for QMS application (with slight modification to suit for application submission) have also been revised to incorporate the changes.
For a building with direct water supply (without water pump and water storage tank) in which the internal plumbing system is relatively simple, the building adopt the following simplified version of WSPB for implementation.
Applications shall be submitted together with the prescribed documents as follows:
New application | Renewal |
All general buildings (such as residential or office buildings) and specific developments (such as schools, residential care homes for the elderly (RCHE) and hospitals)
General Buildings (Direct Water Supply) |
All general buildings (such as residential or office buildings) and specific developments (such as schools, residential care homes for the elderly (RCHE) and hospitals)
*The audit is to be carried out by independent parties not involved in the implementation of WSPB for the audited building, who should preferably be trained for conducting internal audits. The audit should focus on the aspects regarding the implementation of WSPB **The applicant shall maintain all routine checking/inspection records and record photos related to the WSPB. If necessary, WSD may require the applicant to provide such records for assessment of application.5% of the approved applications will be selected by WSD for auditing on completeness of WSPB and proper documentation. WSD on-site audit inspection includes but not limited to the checking of the accuracy of water supply flow diagrams and the completeness of checking records. WSD may interview the Qualified Person(QP) employed by the applicant and assess the specific checking conducted by him. The applicant shall rectify the non-compliance with the WSD’s verification within 3 months or at a reasonable time agreed by WSD from the date of the WSD’s notice, otherwise the certificate will be invalidated and the applicant shall return it to the WSD. General Buildings (Direct Water Supply) |
All new WSPB (for “General Buildings” only) developed after 1 March 2025 for QMS submission shall base on the new guidelines and template (October 2024 version) in this web page.
For WSPB formulated with reference to the guidelines and template (September 2017 version), DP has to update the WSPB following the suggestions below:
(i) Update the “Introduction” with reference to the same Part in the new template;
(ii) Revise Part A with updated information by reference to the same Part in the new template;
(iii) Part B – No need to update if there is no change to the plumbing system;
(iv) Part C – No need to conduct a new risk assessment if there are no occurrence of water quality incidents or modifications of the plumbing systems.
DP should add the following Supplementary Notes to his own Risk Assessment Summary Table for the Building (PDF / Word)
(v) Revise Part D and Part E with reference to the same Part in the new template
(vi) Update the WSPB by combining the Introduction and Part A to E with necessary revision
For WSPB formulated with reference to the guidelines and template (December 2022 version), DP has to update the WSPB following the suggestions below:
(i) Introduction & Part A – No need to update;
(ii) Part B – No need to update if there is no change to the plumbing system;
(iii) Part C – No need to conduct a new risk assessment or update if there are no occurrence of water quality incidents or modifications of the plumbing systems;
(iv) Revise Part D and Part E with reference to the same Part in the new template
(v) Update the WSPB by combining the Introduction and Part A to E with necessary revision
For all WSPB audit conducted after 1 March 2025 should follow the revised audit checklist template
The entry/renewal criteria stipulated above should be able to cover most of the scenarios. Should it be a special case, WSD will assess individual application on a case-by-case basis and the decision of the WSD on the application shall be final.
To enhance QMS, all new and renewal applications of QMS submitted from 1 July 2020 shall require a QP on the List of Qualified Persons Trained in Water Safety Plan for Buildings and passed assessments (see the List of Qualified Persons Trained in Water Safety Plan for Buildings uploaded in the WSD website) to certify Part C – Risk Assessment Summary Table for Building and Part E Table 2 - Routine Checking/Inspection by the QP of the WSPBs.
The WSD will keep all details of the applications confidential and will only publish the names of successful buildings. The WSD will not disclose details of individual application and the test data of water samples (if applicable) to any third party. In this regard, the applicant should handle all direct/referred enquiries/requests for such data/information, and is held fully accountable and responsible for such disclosure.
Underpinning the Scheme is the pivotal role of applicants (e.g. property management agents or owners’ corporations) in effectively informing and educating property owners the importance of proper maintenance and use of compliant materials for the internal plumbing systems. These may take the forms of display of publications (e.g. topical posters and leaflets), talks and making “maintenance of the internal plumbing systems” a standing agenda item in regular meetings of the owners’ corporations. To this end, applicants are advised and encouraged to educate and properly inform property owners of the above importance through the above-proposed forms.
Water quality examination (except schools that use copper pipes connected with soldering and serve students aged at or below 6, is normally not required in Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System) (QMS), how does QMS secure water safety?
Answer: QMS encourages property owners and property management agents to formulate and implement Water Safety Plan for Buildings (WSPB) to safeguard the drinking water quality through conducting risk assessment for the internal plumbing systems to identify areas of inherent contamination, implementation of the corresponding control measures, regular inspection and maintenance of the internal plumbing systems together with regular audit and review of the WSPB. Water quality testing is considered not required if the buildings have reliable, high-quality water supplies.
WSPB is a better protection of water quality in comparison to focusing on a few aspects, for instance, water quality testing only.
For details of the WSPB, please visit the webpage “Water Safety Plan for Buildings”
Will WSD consider mandating WSPB in the future?
Answer: The WSD has currently no plan to make implementation of WSPB mandatory. WSD has promulgated the “Guidelines for Drinking Water Safety Plans for Buildings in Hong Kong” in September 2017 for general buildings, schools, RCHE and hospitals to assist property owners and property management agents to develop and implement their WSPBs. The WSD also set up a dedicated help desk (Hotline: 2829 5696, Fax: 2877 4935, Email: to provide technical guidance on WSPB. The WSD has committed to promoting property owners and management agents to implement WSPB in their buildings to ensure the safety of drinking water. In fact, the launching of QMS aims to encourage property owners and management agents to implement WSPB.
Apart from Licensed Plumbers (LPs), Building Services Engineers (BSEs) and Building Surveyors (BSs) being examples of Qualified Person (QP) required by WSPB, could other staff with relevant and adequate working experience and qualifications be employed as QP to undertake individual item of QMS?
Answer: As per scope of the works to undertaken by QP as stipulated under QMS, we considered that QP should possess adequate knowledge and experience of the trade of plumbing and is conversant with the requirements under Waterworks Ordinance and Waterworks Regulations so as to carry out the inspection works and rectification works of inside service. Our review indicated that LPs are the minimum qualification requirement to be qualified as QP, whilst other professionals such as BSEs, BSs and other professionals registered under the professional bodies or institutes related to internal plumbing systems (e.g. The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering) are also qualified.
To enhance QMS,the WSD imposes a requirement that all new and renewal applications of QMS submitted on or after 1 July 2020 shall require a QP on the List of Qualified Persons Trained in Water Safety Plan for Buildings and passed assessments (see the List of Qualified Persons Trained in Water Safety Plan for Buildings uploaded in the WSD website) to certify Part C – Risk Assessment Summary Table for Building (if it has been updated) and Part E Table 2 - Routine Checking/Inspection by the Qualified Person of the WSPBs.
Are there adequate QPs trained in WSPB and passed assessments in the market?
Answer: The WSD have organised a series of training sessions and workshops for QPs on WSPB to equip the industry for providing such services. Organisation of training sessions or workshops will continue to train up more QPs (see the list of trained QPs uploaded in the WSD website).
What are the expected additional resources for joining QMS?
Answer: QMS requires routine general checking (such as routine inspection of drinking water tanks). In general, the property management staff can undertake the work of DP involving general checking and monitoring of control measures..
In addition to routine general inspection and cleaning of drinking water tanks, buildings joining QMS need to engage a QP trained in WSPB and passed assessments to conduct annual specific checking (such as performance of water pumps, setting of water pumps pressure and water tanks level). Furthermore, a WSPB audit to be conducted by independent parties (either an internal staff not involved in the implementation of WSPB or an external third party) once every two years and periodic review of the WSPB are recommended.. Such regular specific checking and audits would require around two to three man-days for a building with general internal plumbing layout, whereas it may take a longer time for more complicated internal plumbing systems.
Will there be any audit for QMS? If so, who will conduct? What will be the consequences of any non-compliance identified?
Answer: Internal WSPB audit should be carried out at least once every two years by independent third parties or internal staff not involved in the implementation of WSPB, who should preferably be trained for conducting internal audits. The audit should focus on the aspects regarding the implementation of WSPB (see the template (audit checklist template and audit checklist template for hospitals. The report of the audit should be submitted with the application for the renewal of the certificate awarded to the building.
WSPB audit aims to verify the effectiveness of WSPB as well as to identify areas for improvement. Should any “non-compliance”, e.g. unlocked drinking water tanks covers or missing inspections, be identified, it should be checked whether proper corrective actions or investigations have been carried out. Persisting problems should be handled or addressed with implementation of improvements in the reviews of WSPB.
On the other hand, 5% of the approved applications will be selected by the WSD for auditing on completeness of WSPB and proper documentation. For any major non-compliance that can seriously affect the effectiveness of WSPB identified during the above check, such as inaccurate water supply flow diagrams, incomplete checking records, failure to produce audit reports or non-compliance with assessment criteria etc., the applicant shall rectify the non-compliance with the WSD’s verification within 3 months or at a reasonable time agreed by WSD from the date of the WSD’s notice, otherwise the certificate will be invalidated and the applicant shall return it to the WSD.
Should the LPs personally handle those work as specified to be undertaken by LPs in the routine water safety checklist? Could the work be sub-contract to others whilst supervised and endorsed (on the checklist) by the LPs?
Answer: LP engaged for a particular WSPB should personally handle all the work as specified to be undertaken by LPs in the said checklist. Under the requirements of WSPB, the WSD do not accept delegation of work by LP.
Could applicants just submit one Water Safety Plan for Building (WSPB) for all building blocks in the same estate?
Answer: One Water Safety Plan for Building (WSPB) could apply to different building blocks of the same estate if those blocks are of similar characteristics and features in terms of the fresh water plumbing system. However, the applicants have to specify the name of the blocks in the WSPB.
Could applicants just submit one Water Supply Flow Diagram for all building blocks in the same estate?
Answer: One Water Supply Flow Diagram could apply to different building blocks of the same estate if those blocks have the same water supply flow details. However, the applicants have to specify the name of the blocks in the diagram, otherwise, each building block should have one Water Supply Flow Diagram.
Could applicants just submit one Risk Assessment Summary Table for all building blocks in the same estate?
Answer: One Risk Assessment Summary Table could apply to different building blocks of the same estate if those blocks are of similar characteristics and features in terms of the fresh water plumbing system. However, the applicants have to specify the name of the blocks in the table.
Which inspection items should be completed and submitted for new application?
Answer: For new applications, applicants have to complete only those items of routine general inspection with frequency of 1 month or less and submit the corresponding Routine Water Safety Checklist.
Could applicants contract out all inspection works?
Answer: Some applicants may choose to contract out all inspection works (under Part E Table 1 and Table 2 of the WSPB), which is acceptable under QMS. However, all the routine general inspection records have to be signed by the DP and all annual specific checking has to be carried out by a QP trained in WSPB and passed assessments with such inspection records signed by that QP.
What kind of photo and information are required for the cover of WSPB?
Answer: A DP of minimum supervisory rank should be responsible to oversee the development and implementation of WSPB concerned, and sign on the cover page. The photo on the cover should show the appearance of the building block, version no. refers to the updated version (e.g. 0, rev1, rev2, … etc.) of the concerned WSPB and copy no. refers to the designated copy no. (e.g. 1, 2 and 3 if there are 3 copies of WSPB) of the concerned WSPB.
What should be carried out in the risk assessment under WSPB?
Answer: Based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the risk assessment should be carried out as follows:
A risk summary table should be prepared in the building's WSP to briefly describe the hazards and hazardous events identified and summarise the assessment results. For details, please refer to the Guidelines for Drinking Water Safety Plans for Buildings in Hong Kong and the associated templates
Who should carry out and sign the Risk Assessment Summary Table?
Answer: The responsible QP trained in WSPB and passed assessments (see the List of Qualified Persons Trained in Water Safety Plan for Buildings uploaded in the WSD website) should input his/her details including LP/Professional Membership No. and sign on the last page of the Risk Assessment Summary Table.
Who should carry out and sign the Routine Water Safety Checklists?
Answer: DP and QP trained in WSPB and passed assessments should input their details and sign on the Routine Water Safety Checklists under Part E Table 1 and Table 2 respectively of the WSPB.
Does the scheme application require charge?
Answer: WSD will not charge any fees for processing the scheme. Applicants should employ a Qualified person (QP) (such as a licensed plumber, building equipment engineer and building surveyor) trained in WSPB and passed assessments to carry out risk assessment and inspection of the internal plumbing system of the building, on their own expense.
Why is there a reduction in the frequency of cleaning of drinking water tank from at least once every 3 months in the Q-Plus to at least once every 6 months in the QMS?
Answer: Based on the multiple-barrier and risk-based approach of Water Safety Plan for Buildings (WSPB) advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO), the water safety routine checklist is an enhancement of the overall inspection process covering all components of the internal plumbing systems. With the implementation of WSPB under the QMS, the frequency of water tank cleaning could be reduced from at least once every 3 months to at least once every 6 months due to improvement in the inspection and management practice of the internal plumbing systems and hence reduction in the associated contamination risks.
Answer: DP is required to review the WSPB at least once every two years. If significant changes of the internal plumbing system, such as installation or removal of water storage tanks, have taken place, a QP trained in WSPB and passed assessments should be engaged to conduct risk assessment for updating of the WSPB. If there is no such changes, a new risk assessment is not required.
The application can be submitted through the following channels:
Enquiry about the details of the Scheme and application can be made through the WSD telephone enquiry hotline or by fax or by e-mail. The WSD also set up a dedicated help desk (Hotline: 2829 5696, Fax: 2877 4935, Email: to provide technical guidance on WSPB to property owners and property management agents.
Enquiry hotline : 2824 5000
Fax : 2824 0578
E-mail :
Website :